St. Peter's Church Goderich Ontario
Queen Elizabeth II once commented that Goderich was "the prettiest town in Canada" and never one to disagree with the Queen, I willingly endorse the viewpoint. Goderich is located on the eastern shore of Lake Huron. It is a port town and the salt mines of "Sifto Canada Inc." use the harbour to load salt onto freight and ocean liners for export all over the world. The salt mine extends 5 kilometers under Lake Huron.
The picturesque downtown has a unique octagonal circle known as "The Square" that offers many shops and eating establishments. The day we arrived a Flea market was set up in the park in the middle of the central circle. The drive to Goderich was equally enjoyable - we partook of the many scenic delights offered by the Huron valley that we have spoken of so fondly many times in our journey.
We began our outing very early on Sunday morning - the first week of school busyness that shaped last week continued into this week and we only had time to finalize our plans by the end of the week and decide we would attend St. Peter's in Goderich. My friend knows Goderich very well - it is a favourite summertime swimming spot for his family and holds many happy summer memories - perhaps that even extend into his own child or young adulthood because this valley holds deep appeal for him and I'm not sure where that comes from. Maybe someday I, and you, will find that out. Nevertheless, Goderich was the destination of the day.
St. Peter's Parish serves the communities of Clinton, Goderich and Kingsbridge. Goderich offers the 9 am mass and Kingsbridge the 11 am. We aimed for the 9 am mass so were on the road very early indeed. After a beautiful drive through the valley where the first flush of fall is beginning, we arrived about 15 minutes before mass began. Just in time for a few photos but not enough time to study the building in any great detail. We did note the church is made of smooth limestone blocks, arched stain glass windows with a bell tower and steeple. The interior is modest but everything about this church is impeccably maintained - both inside and out. I didn't see one area that needed improvement or repair. Perhaps not built with great wealth, but surely with great love.
How do we show love? Sometimes by building grand and magnificant churches that call on the best of our skills and talents offered to God. Other times, by attending faithfully and carefully what we've been given. Much like the parishoners of St. Peter's care for their church - and their young parishoners. It was a delight to see the special care this congregation showered on the youngest of attendees in a way I haven't seen in other parishes I've visited. If a nation is defined by how it cares for it's poor, perhaps a parish is defined by how it celebrates it's children.
Yes, the best gifts can't be bought with wealth. The best gifts share who we are. Today I received one of the best gifts.
Miss M.

Hardy Mums
Of The Earth
Today was unique in a way, no rush, nary a plan and travel down fall scene roads. Good company topped the beautiful weather on this our 10th outing. Today's destination was not a Joseph Connolly piece however it does have its own merit. The church we were after today is St. Peter's Church in Goderich. Located at the top of the bluff on the most northern tip of this quaint lakeside town of 8000.The church is quite large and is made of limestone with a single bell tower. We arrived 15 minutes early, just in time to take a few photos and get a seat before mass started.
The service was brought to us by a priest who was visiting the area and has a brother that has a cottage in Bayfield. He spoke of tolerance this am and the sermon sat heavy upon me as I squirmed in my pew. I couldn't help but look at the refinished pews and the miles of Oak that makes up just the seats alone in this spacious building. The Tabernacle and wall right at the front of this church had "twist” turnings and were fantastic to look at and distract the mind.
After mass we walked to the edge of the bluff and tried to get a glimpse of the lake. We traveled by car down the hill to the wharfs and salt mine. There was only a single lake freighter in getting filled. We encircled the bottom of Goderich's water front and stopped at the far south end. This being two years that we have been playing marbles together my friend Maureen and I exchanged gifts that we had made each other (according to the rules)and we both love our gifts.
The drive home was alone worth the trip. The tip of "our" valley starts at the lake and meanders south to Lake Erie. I have often wondered if it carries on south of Erie in the States and thought it would be cool to discover. We crested a hill and descended to Ben Miller and the view that this valley affords is breathtaking and it is only mid September. In the next few short weeks the change into full autumn will come and turn the hardwood lots into an spectacle. Seriously consider packing a car for the day, ensure you have clean car windows and a camera and go. Enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer you for free.
As we headed South through gorgeous country side listening to great music, talking and enjoying good company the week's problems were forgotten about. Much like countless before us, we came the back way down a winding dirt road into a quiet little hamlet called Kinkora . We looked at the church and her surroundings and noted the parking lots were all full. Latin Mass was just under way at noon and the sun was warm on a beautiful fall day. I turned the car south again and headed home.
By writing of this day I can only hope you enjoyed your time along with me as I traced today's steps. I do hope you take your own trip as the leaves turn. Drive the old pioneer rows where trees planted at the side of the road create a multi coloured umbrella over you. Walk a nature's path that is close to your house or heart, enjoy your time. Thank you for walking with me on this old path.
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